Alcohol Rehab in Alamo, TX

Alcohol may be a legal substance, but it is a highly addictive one. If a person loses control over his or her relationship with alcohol and will often drink more than they planned, they suffer from alcohol abuse problems. The person will experience alcohol withdrawal symptoms when they aren't drinking. Because alcohol abuse can have harmful short- and long-term effects, it's important that a person seek alcohol rehab in Alamo in order to break the cycle of abuse that alcoholism can create and to reclaim one's life.

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, an estimated 7.2 percent of adults ages 18 and older have an alcohol use disorder. While the disorder may be common, few people actually seek treatment for it. Through treatment programs in Alamo including detoxification services, counseling, and medication therapies, a person can ease the process of sobriety.

Alcohol Abuse Signs and Symptoms

A person may have a problem with alcohol abuse and therefore need alcohol rehab in Alamo if they agree with most of the following statements:

  • I frequently drink more or longer than I expected?
  • I have tried to cut back on my drinking, but haven't been able to.
  • I drink most of the time during the day, and I often experience a lot of side effects from my drinking, like a hangover or blacking out.
  • I have strong cravings and urges to drink, even at inappropriate times such as first thing in the morning or at work.
  • My drinking has interfered with my abilities to care for my home or family.
  • I have been told I should cut back on my drinking by my friends and/or loved ones.
  • I have experienced difficulty with the law, such as due to fighting or driving while drunk.
  • I experience side effects of alcohol wearing off, such as tremors, irritability, nausea, and sweating when I'm not drinking.

All of these statements can indicate a person experiences an alcohol use disorder. However, as a general rule, if a person's alcohol use is a problem for you or others, then you have an alcohol problem and can likely benefit from alcohol rehab in Alamo.

In addition to these defining statements, a person who thinks their loved one may suffer from alcohol addiction, a person abusing alcohol may display paranoid behaviors or may behave secretly. The person may have empty bottles present in their home or appear intoxicated, even early in the morning. They may be unable to keep commitments for family gatherings. In short, they may not function as well as they once did, mostly due to their alcohol abuse and the hold it has on their life.

Dangers of Alcohol

Alcohol abuse and addiction can cause a person to experience both short- and long-term health risks. For example, short-term effects include impaired relationships, difficulty maintaining a job, trouble with the law, and frequent episodes of blackouts and hangover symptoms.

A person is also at greater risk for experiencing traumatic accidents, such as falls or traffic accidents. Long-term effects associated with alcohol abuse can include cirrhosis or scarring of the liver. The liver is very important to filtering waste products in a person's body, including alcohol. Without a properly functioning liver, a person cannot live. In addition to alcohol's effects on the liver, a person who suffers from alcohol abuse is more susceptible to certain types of cancers, such as liver, esophageal, throat, or tongue cancers.

Why Should I Enter an Alcohol Rehab in Alamo?

According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, seeking alcohol addiction treatment can offer extreme benefits in helping a person get sober. However, only an estimated 8.4 percent of adults who need treatment actually seek it. A person should never be ashamed or embarrassed to pursue alcohol rehab in Alamo because its rewards can help a person finally stop being reliant on alcohol and regain control over their body and life.

Entering our alcohol rehab center can help a person first get through drug detox in Alamo associated with alcohol abuse. Because the effects of alcohol withdrawal can be so significant, it is important that a person seek professional alcohol addiction treatment. Alcohol withdrawals can cause a condition known as the delirium tremens or the DTs. This life-threatening condition can cause a person to have seizures, rapid heart rate, hallucinations, and high body temperatures.

Support from professional alcohol addiction treatment can help a person go through these withdrawal symptoms. For example, a person can administer anti-seizure medications, such as Ativan or Valium. They can also take anti-nausea medications, such as Zofran or Phenergan, which help a person reduce some of the unpleasant nausea effects associated with alcohol withdrawals. Call us now for help (877) 804-1531.

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